Spain vs France | Highlights | UEFA Women’s Nations League Final 28-02-2024
Spain vs France
Spain vs France Women
Spain vs France Women’s
España vs Francia
España vs Francia Femenino
France vs Espagne
France vs Espagne Féminin
Women’s Nations League
UEFA Women’s Nations League
Résumé du Match
Camisetas de futbol Fútbol Noticias de los equipos de fútbol de 1ª y 2ª división, la Champions League y la UEFA, la Copa del Rey y la Selección Española
Spain vs France | Highlights | UEFA Women's Nations League Final 28-02-2024

43 respuestas a «Spain vs France | Highlights | UEFA Women's Nations League Final 28-02-2024»
Natural lemon and extra virgin olive oil
In women's football, Spain has raised the bar. Years will pass before we catch up. Many thanks and congratulations for the magic.
Head and shoulders above any other team in the world. And the scariest bit is that the girls on the national youth teams are looking even better . Spain will dominate the next decade
Ya quiero mundial gente. Esto, esto se va a poner… 🔥
Estas chicas de España son terribles, actualmente invecibles.
Aucun regret, la selection espagnole était trop forte, pas la même catégorie…
En españa no interezan a nadie….jenny hermoso (fea)se encargo de ello y el resto…..
aitana bonmati❤
proud of España from usa ❤
Mesdames arrêtez de frapper des 25m, cela ne met jamais la gardienne en danger. BRAVO à l'équipe espagnole qui a dominé le match. La passe en retrait sur le deuxième but était travaillée , l'attaquante revient dans l'espace au moment même de la passe. Quoi qu'il en soit, le football féminin est aujourd'hui de grande qualité, et créer l'émotion. Allez on en veut encore !
Counter spain nations team is chealse era mourinho(parking bus,parking train,parking truck)
España esta a otro nivel, si Francia es el segundo "mejor" equipo femenino de Europa, pues que mal juegan los demás
Barca vs France 😂😂😂😂
This women Spanish team remind me of prime barca and Spanish team of 2010
Yet another reason England is not even close to being the best cause this Spain is far ahead
And also Aitana is a beast( the Iniesta of women’s football)
Watching the highlights, the Spain Women dominate. The score could have been 5-0 or more.
MUCHAS felicidades chicassss. Vamossss España ❤❤❤❤❤
إسبانيا ستكون ملكة الكرة في السنوات القادمة
Bravo à l'équipe d'Espagne, victoire entièrement méritée, rien à dire, vous avez été meilleurs que nous. Félicitations de France.
Love love ❤❤❤
The gay team won !
wOW 😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏😄😄😄😄😄👍🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Deutschland hat dieses Spiel volllkommen ignoriert. Es wurde in Deutschland von keinem einzigen Sender übertragen, niemand hat darüber berichtet. In Deutschland hat man sich auschließlich dafür interessiert, ob Deutschland im Spiel bei den Niederlanden die Olympia-Qualifikation schafft. Ein Nations-League-Finale ohne Deutschland? Den Deutschen völlig egal.
Viva Espana !! Allez allez !!⚽🏆
These Spanish ladies are a menace to women's football💥
As an American, I am currently rooting for Spain. They are the team of the world. They will win the Olympics this year since they are the greatest by far. Take care of it.
Al final FRA perdiendo 2-0 y pidiendo la hora.
FCB female and Spanish female national team are the best no equal
Best women national team spain ❤😍
Aitana is cute as a button!
Spain are not even the best in the world right now. They're only just starting relevant because of World Cup triumph. 😂
Enhorabuena a la madre patria 🐂, un placer tener a Jennifer Hermoso en Tigres de México 🇲🇽🇪🇸
Congratulations 🎊🎈🍾🎉 Ladies on job well done and you deserved it.
Faltó mi buen amigo Rubiales para la postal 😂😂
Congrats to the Spain team ❤🎉
Spain dominated the game and got two great goals. Aitana was the Super Great Player of the Game. Spain was too much for France.
2 goals from Barça players
Como é que essa seleção pega uma chicotada do Japão e foi campeã do mundo 😅.
This Spanish team Bacelona team is way above everyone else
Congratulations … Spain team … ⚽🤩🎉