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Evra on Why he Lost the Champions League Finals to Barcelona #football#mancheterunited #shorts

39 respuestas a «Evra on Why he Lost the Champions League Finals to Barcelona #football#mancheterunited #shorts»
Eto'o should have had way more nominations in the top 3… proper dangerous striker! He won back to back trebles with two different clubs!! Pep sold him and brought in Zlatan. One of his biggest mistakes
Ji-Sung Park was the solution😂🤞That time Anderson wasn't even keeping up with Gary let alone Messi
Plus losing Fletcher before the 2009 Final was a huge blow . I still think Fergie should have played Park Ji Sung in midfield alongside Carrick due to Park's enormous work rate.
Excuses 😂
Basically, Ferguson was outplayed as usual and the players weren’t able to score two miraculous late goals to bail him out, so they lost.
I admire sir Alex, but to me he was never the tactician manager. Never wanting to change the way he played against Barcelona was really weird to me especially that he faced them for the second time.
He’s not wrong, even Sir Alex confessed he regretted not using Ji Sung Park to man mark messi and cut off the link up with xavi and iniesta
And that arrogance was wiped of by mourinho in 2010 in that semifinal when he was at Inter. Sir Alex is a great coach but he was never pragmatic.
Eto’o is the UCL winner mentality.. Inter Milan was so lucky and did the best ever mercato by swapped him with Ibra + money
United players and EPL fanatics must be the ONLY ones who taught they had a chance. Real football fans knew they had no chance.
Agree.. Normally when face the team have better quality than United player, sir alex always use deferent approach than regular tactics like sacrifice left one of their attacking player to add one more defensive player in midfield to disturb opponents system. But in that game sir alex just use regular tactics attacking style "United way" because before the game pep already play war psychology .Pep say Manchester United is big club and always proud have they tradition play attacking football. Everyone know pep say like that because afraid they struggle previously many team play park bus again them waiting for play counter attack.
Has evra sprayed his hair on 😐
Ferguson was an average manager when he didn’t have referees who were terrified of him
"We were arrogant" says man with red glasses.
Am I getting this right: Barcelona had Xavi, Iniesta, Eto'o, Messi, Alves, to name a few of that sensational squad, but according to Evra no Manchester player could imagine they might lose?
This sounds like a fat lie. I saw that game. Manchester were completely obliterated and beaten by a far superior team.
It sounds very Man U as well as French to then go and say thirteen years later: "We could have easily won but we were not respecting the opposition enough."
Eto'o was a truly hardworking player. In Inter he played striker and defender simultaneously
They destroy us
Guardiola would make an excellent general in ww3 lool
The first final was lost due to taking shots too far out. I remember cristiano had like 6 shots in the first 30.mins. they could have held on a little more.
The 2nd final, team was simply outclassed. It wasnt the team's talent that got them to the final, it was SAF tactics. It wasnt enough that night
I guess you guys were Kids against man😅
United should’ve played much much defensive to have any chance. Sir Alex didn’t know how to play against that Barca side
Eto'o was a real strong contender for 2005, 2006 and 2009 ballon do'r if the award wasn't a popularity contest.
Remake lonely !! I think it would be really interesting to hear in ur newer sound 🙂
Dudes hairline is on ropes 😂
Blud is too honest 😂❤
Pep schooled sir alex both times, simple as…
No matter what tactic or line up man utd would play, that Barca team at that time would have whipped the floor with them.
The 1st final was winnable I think if hargreaves was available and on form and if we set up the right way but the 2nd final I don't think we could've won just look at the midfield we had giggs in the middle the squad just wasnt as strong.
No way in million years man United or any other could beat that Barcelona
A reason why chelsea are number 1
I think it was nothing about arrogant. Barcelona was at this time just miles better then anyone else.
You were not arrogant
Barcelona were just wayyyyyy above your level
Those were the games that made this dwarf hate Messi forever😂
Just say you got outplayed, in 2009 I knew we were going to win but it was a much closer affair than people remember. Now in 2011, that was different. I knew that year we were going to destroy United. It didn’t matter what tactics Sir Alex used, that night our team was untouchable.
Barca did Destroy united literally
Guardiolas barca slapped fergies man u left and right in two UCL finals. Guardiola+Messi was as scary as it sounds
SAF left Nani berbatov and tevez on the bench in 2009
Mistake was putting scoles on the bench
This Barsa was a miles away mate 😂