Champion League Highlights Match Day 4
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Borussia Dortmund vs. Newcastle United – Game Highlights

26 respuestas a «Borussia Dortmund vs. Newcastle United – Game Highlights»
i like the dortmund fans very aggressive they increase morale to players
What A Performance From All Dortmund And Brandt 🔥🔥🔥🔥
What a pass from adeyemi
Menurut gw edie howe perlu beli bbrp pemain top di setiap lini dan nambah jam terbang buat bisa bersaing di ucl, kek msh agak kureng😂
imagine calling bundesliga farmers league as a premier league club 🤡 transfer balances over last 3 seasons: dortmund: +92mio, newcastle: -393 mio… yet they still lost twice…
As an Arsenal fan, frankly and to be honest, i have no views on this game…
Brand d Water Law
Great game.This is not EPL where VAR wins for you Newcastle. This is Champions League.
Newcastle really needed that humble
They should have called VAR for help😂😂
brandt celebration is trafalgar law skills in one piece manga (room, takt) 😂
Wow nice. You upload almost all the highlights I think 😯 and you also don't include spoilers in the title 👍. That is one of the great things and also gives you more views 😃
Wow nice. You upload almost all the highlights I think 😯 and you also don't include spoilers in the title 👍. That is one of the great things and also gives you more views 😃
Nick Pope is a world care Goal keeper, and deserve to be in a better team than New castle..
It’s Brant’s One piece celebration for me 😂
That law celebration ❤❤❤
Unfortunately there was no PGMOL to help them 😂😂😂😂.. this is what you get when officiating is poor. Teams think that they are good only to find that in fair officiating it's hard to get good results
Welcome to the champions league newcastle 😢
Bismillah Dortmund Juara Grub🎉
Brandt is quality 👌🏼
Its all Dortmund and looks one sided attack.
Happiest man
This shows how strong Bayern is.
Brandt was so fantastic 1:57 he squandered the assist he couldve made to Adeyemi, would have been a easy goal for Karim