
Stevie reacts to Real Madrid winning the Champions League ?? | ESPN FC

Steve Nicol joins ESPN FC to react to Real Madrid’s 1-0 win over Liverpool in the Champions League Final.

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48 respuestas a «Stevie reacts to Real Madrid winning the Champions League ?? | ESPN FC»

?? who could beat all three of these teams apart madrid ? liverpool whom didn't score in two finals against Chelsea while city vs liverpool is unpredictable chelsea on the other side struggling to score and for psg that plays in the farmers league ?any team are welcome to come and knock on psg door ? credit to madrid the best in europe

Tell me what shot in the world would allow the time for Vinicius to run infront of TAA and score? That was a magnificent well weighted pass. Stevie needs to respect real Madrid more. Biased pundit

You liverpool play 3 finals and you didn't score not a single goal !!!! , you've had no chance of beating Real Madrid even if it goes to penalties because of courtois mainly, so cut off the bullshit and accept that the Great Real Madrid beat you AGAIN.

Not matter how bad madrid was as stevie says just remember maradona scored with a hand and is celebrated no one still talks about the hand , it's just the same way we supporters will celebrate no one will remember how liverpool played the final

Liverpool were defeated by police brutality not Real Madrid – wheel chair users – 9 year old boy – grannies were gassed – this could cause damage in kids young brains eg depression self harm – karma will have its ways & Liverpool will dominate the champions league & equivalents for decades

Stevie is right, was not impressed with the Mane & Salah. Especially Salah, talking about revenge and was tame on the night. This is why he is not Messi level. Messi passes the ball to a teammate for the greater good. Salah is about his own stats. This was a new experience for Diaz so I wasn’t surprised he was pulled but would of preferred he stayed on.

Liverpool lost because of their arrogance, even before the last EPL and the UCL matches they though they had already won these trophies, that is the reason they lost. Stop the hype!!! Best team in England bla bla bla, where is their Quadruple now!

This man thinks Liverpool is the only credible team that warrants to be in a final and win it!!! He thinks Real Madrid is Norwich city. Irony is that lots of other teams squander chances and when Liverpool takes their chance they tell you they convert chances no one tell you how the keeper was awful or vice versa. And here we are listening to him tell us how courtios is the only reason they won. Did they get to the finals by only courtois’ prowess!!! Then I’d say if Chelsea took their chances in the FA cup final probably Liverpool doesn’t win it. These pundits smh

3 final no goals, sums up liverpool, Liverpool are overrated last year Pep and City got slaughtered in the press and on this channel when they lost 1 nil. Liverpool team in getting old and players will start leaving, bet Klopp wishes he had not signed an extension.

?. Not a serious answer. Like he completely missed the whole match. 45 fruitiess minutes. Doesn't know why. Can't even rely on him to fix the problem, because he doesn't know how his team got forced into taking inaccurate shots at goal.

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